Power-ups and Tiebreakers


These are available for sale at the check in table during the tournament. Each team can use one of each per game.

$25 Instant Power Play Lets you pick one player from the other team and put them in the box for 2 minutes! At any stoppage or the start of a period just give the card to the ref, pick the player you want to take a break in the penalty box, and show off that #1 Power Play unit.

$25 Instant Penalty Shot can give you that all important game tying or go ahead goal! At any stoppage or the start of any period hand the ref your penalty shot card and put all that pressure on your best player(or whoever was willing to donate another $25)

Tie Breaking Donations

All ties in games and standings at the Moose Winter Classic are awarded to the team that has fund raised the most money for the charity.